When buying car insurance, you must know
type of coverage you really need. There are several kinds of coverage you can
choose from such as liability coverage, property damage liability, bodily
injury liability, fire and theft coverage, comprehensive coverage, collision
coverage, physical damage coverage, personal injury protection, underinsured
driver coverage, uninsured driver coverage, gap insurance, rental car
insurance, and pay-per-mile coverage. Now, we will discuss physical damage
coverage and personal injury protection.
Physical damage coverage
is defined as an umbrella under fire and theft, collision, and coverage fall.
This type of coverage can be optional when you have paid your car. There are
several considerations that will urge you to have physical damage coverage such
as if that you have a luxury car or your car retains a much higher resale
value. Personal injury protection is also known as no-fault coverage. This
specified coverage is a sort of complement to bodily injury liability coverage.
If you have this coverage, your medical expenses can be covered up to eighty
percent. The medical expenses which can be covered include lost wages,
rehabilitation, and funeral costs. In some states, this coverage is an optional
coverage. So, you had better check whether you are eligible to get this
coverage from your state.